Affichage des articles dont le libellé est windows 7. Afficher tous les articles
Affichage des articles dont le libellé est windows 7. Afficher tous les articles

samedi 14 novembre 2009

PDC 2008 :Windows 7

Windows 7 : les sujets traités au PDC 2008

The New COM API for Accessibility and Automation in Windows 7

Windows 7: Writing World-Ready Applications

Deep Dive: What's New with user32 and comctl32 in Win32

Windows 7: Programming Sync Providers That Work Great with Windows

Windows 7: Using Instrumentation and Diagnostics to Develop High Quality Software

Windows 7: Best Practices for Developing for Windows Standard User

Developing for Microsoft Surface

Windows 7: Empower users to find, visualize and organize their data with Libraries and the Explorer

Windows 7: Introducing Direct2D and DirectWrite

Windows 7: Design Principles for Windows 7

Windows 7: Integrate with the Windows 7 Desktop

Windows 7: Web Services in Native Code

Windows 7: Extending Battery Life with Energy Efficient Applications

Windows 7: Developing Multi-touch Applications

Windows 7: Writing Your Application to Shine on Modern Graphics Hardware

Windows 7: Unlocking the GPU with Direct3D

Windows 7: Building Great Audio Communications Applications

Windows 7 Scenic Ribbon: The next generation user experience for presenting commands in Win32 applications.

Windows 7: Designing Efficient Background Processes

Developing Applications for More Than 64 Logical Processors in Windows Server 2008 R2